Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Watch Out, Apple's Always Online

Coming early 2015, Apple will be yet again implore us to buy something else we already have but has the Apple logo. Introducing the Apple Watch, not to be confused with the Nike Plus Fuelband, the Samsung Gear S, or any of those other products that look similar to this. Apple describes the Apple Watch on their company's website as :

"Our goal has always been to make powerful technology more accessible. More relevant. And ultimately more personal. Apple Watch represents a new chapter in the relationship people have with technology. It’s the most personal product we’ve ever made, because it’s the first one designed to be worn."

Would I personally buy this particular product for myself? No. No because I feel like it would be evading my privacy. They are literally going to broadcast everything you do.The writers summed up the Apple Watch as being beneficial to people's health and the health care systems itself. It will be easier to see what the person has been doing and check their vitals without even touching them. Honestly I see a lot more negatives than positives with this Apple Watch. If these leaks continue though, who knows what could get out when it comes to the Apple Watch. Another is people with body image will misuse the Apple Watch which could lead to anorexia and other body related illnesses.Overall, I actually hope this is just a fad and goes away quickly because I refuse to be apart of this. I understand we should embrace the newer technology but I also believe in a right to privacy. This technology would be okay if it wasn't so intrusive on any and every one's lives. Hackers can now steal the watch and no everything about you. If someone wanted to do harm to you and use the watch to find out what you are allergic to, where you are and what you are doing.

To all Apple fanatics, please enjoy your products and enjoy them. To the uncertain, please choose the product that best fits you and do not get it because of the hype. To people who may think I am an Apple hater, remember the movie Taken? Yeah, that threat the dad made to those kidnapper; he can actually find you thanks to your beloved Apple.

Can you hear me now? 


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