Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Watch Out, Apple's Always Online

Coming early 2015, Apple will be yet again implore us to buy something else we already have but has the Apple logo. Introducing the Apple Watch, not to be confused with the Nike Plus Fuelband, the Samsung Gear S, or any of those other products that look similar to this. Apple describes the Apple Watch on their company's website as :

"Our goal has always been to make powerful technology more accessible. More relevant. And ultimately more personal. Apple Watch represents a new chapter in the relationship people have with technology. It’s the most personal product we’ve ever made, because it’s the first one designed to be worn."

Would I personally buy this particular product for myself? No. No because I feel like it would be evading my privacy. They are literally going to broadcast everything you do.The writers summed up the Apple Watch as being beneficial to people's health and the health care systems itself. It will be easier to see what the person has been doing and check their vitals without even touching them. Honestly I see a lot more negatives than positives with this Apple Watch. If these leaks continue though, who knows what could get out when it comes to the Apple Watch. Another is people with body image will misuse the Apple Watch which could lead to anorexia and other body related illnesses.Overall, I actually hope this is just a fad and goes away quickly because I refuse to be apart of this. I understand we should embrace the newer technology but I also believe in a right to privacy. This technology would be okay if it wasn't so intrusive on any and every one's lives. Hackers can now steal the watch and no everything about you. If someone wanted to do harm to you and use the watch to find out what you are allergic to, where you are and what you are doing.

To all Apple fanatics, please enjoy your products and enjoy them. To the uncertain, please choose the product that best fits you and do not get it because of the hype. To people who may think I am an Apple hater, remember the movie Taken? Yeah, that threat the dad made to those kidnapper; he can actually find you thanks to your beloved Apple.

Can you hear me now? 


Embracing The Bulldog In You

"We are SC State" isn't just a slogan, it is a way of life here on the campus of South Carolina State University. As it starts to get closer to homecoming and with the recent celebration of HBCU (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) Week, I started to think over why I chose to go to a HBCU and why I chose to stay at a HBCU. 

Here's a quick background: I just transferred here for my junior year and had previously had been to Savannah State University which is out of state for me considering Orangeburg, South Carolina is home. But it was wasn't until being in my Electronic Media Production II class, I decided to take the assignment I was given and use it to my advantage.

Thus was born my investigation into why people chose a HBCU and what's their favorite thing about being a bulldog.

Leah Miller
Criminal Justice/ Sociology 
Greenville, South Carolina

"I love the community atmosphere we have here. I love that we're a down to earth place. It kinda never changes and I like that about it. "

Chris Spell
Mass Communications/ Journalism
Orangeburg, South Carolina/ Charlotte, North Carolina

"The family aspect of it, the closeness of the campus."

Danielle McElroy
Business Management
Stone Mountain, Georgia

"The band. The Marching 101. We Reppin[g]."

Terell Williams
Music Education
Detroit, Michigan

"Really the band really because only HBCUs have these type of bands that we have here."

Brianna Whittaker
Criminal Justice
Beaufort, South Carolina

"There's always negative things put in the media about HBCUs ,but there's also a lot of positive people that have come from HBCUs."

Latisha Watson
Brooklyn, New York

"I mean my heritage is black so why would I go to a PWI (Predominately White Institution) when I can be with my heritage."

Anyway you put it, the students here love their school and love HBCUs. So all of you only celebrating the drinking and partying of this coming homecoming, you need to do your history and actually celebrate what homecoming is really about. Show your Bulldog Pride.

South Carolina State University Homecoming
October 26th - November 1st
Zoovie Part II

Monday, September 29, 2014

Real Talk, Real Quick III

As I was driving to my class this morning I heard a quote on the local Hip Hop/ R&B radio station that the radio personality felt she needed to share because of the previous song's famous lyric. (It was Nicki Minaj's part in Beyonce's Flawless Remix. Do Not Judge Me.) But the quote was actually relevant and cute. I liked it and decided to share it with you guys.

 I'm cookie dough.

I'm not done baking.

I'm not finished becoming who ever the hell it is I'm gonna turn out to be.

I make it through this, and the next thing, and the next thing, and maybe one day, I turn around and realize I'm ready.

I'm cookies.

And then, you know, if I want someone to eat m- or enjoy warm, delicious, cookie me, then that's fine.

That'll be then.

When I'm done.

Have A Good Day :)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Real Talk, Real Quick II

A little female empowerment for my women today. I censored it as much as I could. But still enjoy.

Women are the new men.

For far too long, we have allowed the male species to assume that they rule the world.

That they are somehow more essential to us breathing oxygen than vice versa.

But the fact of the matter is that ***** not **** controls everything under the sun.

Men will rob, steal, cheat. murder and even go to war over *****.

These idiots still don't think we realize it.

The days of sisters taking any kind of b****a**ness from men are over.

We are independent, successful, brilliant, and a thousand times more essential than them.

F*** a man shortage.

F*** bowing down and being submissive.

We will do what we want when we want and no one will tell us any different.

The sexual revolution is here to stay.



Have A Good Day :)

Real Talk, Real Quick I

A little something inspirational from a couple weeks ago...

The guilty will speak and they will talk about you believe that...

All you can do is hold your head high and carry your esteem even higher...

You know your worth your struggle and your wisdom...

DO NOT let these peasants belittle you...

Let them have the crumbs and scraps while you dine with gold plated silverware...

Now sip your tea on that...

Have A Good Day :)

September Birthday Shoutouts!!!!!!

So I decided every month I will do a birthday shoutout to my friends and family on here, but I also decided to do my readers as well. So just leave a comment or catch me on my social networks and I will give you a special shoutout for your day.

But for now....

My first birthday shoutout goes to my suite mate MiKayla Lloyd. Her birthday was yesterday (Sept 23). I have only known her for about a month really but I already see our friendship lasting for years to come. Love you girl.

My second birthday shoutout goes to Tyjah Clea. I just met her through my suite mate MiKayla and her birthday was two weeks ago. She is definitely the definition of a true friend and turn up partner.

My third birthday shoutout is for my brother Ronnie Jennings. We go back to middle school days and you had my back ever since. His birthday was on September 11th. I love you my brother from another mother.

My fourth birthday shoutout goes to my cousin Akilah Worley. OMG I love you cousin. You have two roles in my life as my friend and family. My favorite College of Charleston AKA.

My fifth birthday shoutout goes to my cousin's mother Ophelia Crum. You have always been there when I needed something. You were not only my cousin but you played my second mom to me while growing up. Her birthday was yesterday as well (Sept 23).

Television..... Or Nah?

Media in this generation is a really dominate aspect in developing a lot of people's lives from birth to death. Some can learn more from watching television, or become more informed because of television. Then again we blame television for the desensitized masses of the world who thinks it's okay to rob and kill because they saw it on television. Only meant to entertain, television has become a staple in a lot of home around the world. This can be beneficial yet can also be detrimental.

Let's go ahead and establish the pros. 

1) Educational Tool

Television has become a great educational tool over time. Shows like “Sesame Street," “Arthur," and “Word Girl” encourage children that learning can be fun and entertaining. Television can take children across the globe to different countries with diverse cultures without even leaving the house.

2) Social Bonding

Television can help families and friends to socially bond. A regularly scheduled family TV night can bring families closer together. It can also help parents with to help build a bridge to difficult topics of conversation. Topics such as death, abuse, or bullying.

3) Entertainment

Television is an excellent form of entertainment that can either stimulate or create an interest in the arts. Think about it. We are now able to see A-list artists cheaply and from the comfort of our homes.

The cons:

1) Developmental Problems

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has dictated that children under 2 years of age should not watch any television. The first two years is the most crucial for brain development. The AAP cites that excessive television exposure by very young children can impede development.

2) Extracurricular

Television makes the audience “watchers” and not “doers”. That means people will watch a game on TV rather than play one in real life. It is said that hobbies tend to suffer because of too much viewing. Consequently, societies and economies are slowed down with the inactivity that comes through among able-bodied, talented people who waste their aptitude in front of TV screens.

3) Laziness

As children get older, there is an increase in responsibilities and social opportunities makes limited TV watching crucial. Increased television consumption simply allows children less time do things like spend time with friends and family or complete their schoolwork. There is a high statistical probability that a child who watches television for more than four hours daily will deal with obesity issues.

It is up to you to come up with your opinion on television. I know that television has its benefits and its weaknesses. Honestly at the end of the day, television is what you make of it.