Friday, October 24, 2014

Picture Processing Project

The assignment this week was to take photo editing software like Photoshop to test our creativeness at improving the quality of photos.... or like I did have fun and make it look cool *inserts emoji with the shades*. So here are some of my before and after of the photos that I edited.

For these photos I used an app called Photo Director that you can find in the Google Play store. So no Apple followers you can't use it. Underneath each picture I will list what I did. I mostly did these photos to make them different.

 I call this "Land of Opportunity"



  - wild orchid
- realistic
- flatten
- light leak #1

 I call this one "Gentle Soul"


- rotate
- clear
- dreamy
- antique
- chocolate

 This picture is called "Exploding Memories"


- dramatic
- realistic
- highlight
- retro wash

 This is my favorite and it's called "The Cool Kid".


- blur
- skin tool
- high contrast
- clear
- white balance
- antique
- grunge #4
- saturation

I had so much fun with this assignment. You should all try out photo director. Or any photo editing software. Even if you are not a mass communications major.  (Even though we rule the world lol.)

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