Monday, October 27, 2014

My Photo Slideshow

This week we had to make a photo slideshow. At first, we were told to use Kizoa, a website that gives you the basic tools online to create a slideshow from your photos. Honestly, that website was too basic and boring. So I set out on a quest to find a better website to make a slideshow on. Upon my discovery, I found Slidely. It was an awesome website for creating photo slideshows from multiple photo sharing platforms.

The Rose That Grew From The Concrete by Slidely Slideshow

I decided since my birthday is coming up that I would do a slideshow on the transformation of me.(Scorpio Season!!!!!) I had so much fun with the website. You guys should go check out Slidely.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Picture Processing Project

The assignment this week was to take photo editing software like Photoshop to test our creativeness at improving the quality of photos.... or like I did have fun and make it look cool *inserts emoji with the shades*. So here are some of my before and after of the photos that I edited.

For these photos I used an app called Photo Director that you can find in the Google Play store. So no Apple followers you can't use it. Underneath each picture I will list what I did. I mostly did these photos to make them different.

 I call this "Land of Opportunity"



  - wild orchid
- realistic
- flatten
- light leak #1

 I call this one "Gentle Soul"


- rotate
- clear
- dreamy
- antique
- chocolate

 This picture is called "Exploding Memories"


- dramatic
- realistic
- highlight
- retro wash

 This is my favorite and it's called "The Cool Kid".


- blur
- skin tool
- high contrast
- clear
- white balance
- antique
- grunge #4
- saturation

I had so much fun with this assignment. You should all try out photo director. Or any photo editing software. Even if you are not a mass communications major.  (Even though we rule the world lol.)

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

My Other Life

So quick announcement. In my About Me,  it states I'm a Wattpad author.

If you don't know, Wattpad is a website for mainly teens and young adults who want to publicly write stories to share with others. I joined in spring 2013 during my freshman year of college after discovering it. I have been writing since about sixth or seventh grade thanks to a friend. 

I have a book I kinda have been writing from off the top of my head and have really been enjoying my imagination going wild. The story is called BOSS STATUS. It is a book for people with mature mind sets. If it were a movie I would rate it PG-13.

If you are into urban fiction and "thug/gangster" stories, you'll love BOSS STATUS.  Link at the bottom.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

PSA To My Readers

Sorry I have not posted anything inspirational in a while.  When I post these quotes I think of the impact it had on me. I don't want to post something lackluster. Like those memes on Instagram with the same repetitive quotes.

I want to give you something that if you were really at your lowest and discovered my page with my quote of the day you see the brighter side of things and push yourself to keep going forward. I've heard too many stories of too many people just giving up because they had no one to push them and say it's gonna be okay.  You're gonna get over this bump in the road.

As of recently I've had to encourage myself. I have broken down so many times and had no one to go to because I had to be strong. But I say this quote to myself every time I break down: "It's just a minor setback for a major come back. " That helps me get through the day. My mother tells me all the time "Shay, you're gonna be big. You're gonna be someone great. All the stuff you've been through and you're still standing. You are gonna be successful."

And when I make it, I'll remember that. Until then I will encourage others because that seems to keep me going and staying positive. But I'll try to do better.

Until next time 💋

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Embracing The Bulldog In You: Video Version

In a previous post, I interviewed a few students at South Carolina State about why they chose a HBCU and what's their favorite thing about being a bulldog. Well after a long, long night of editing here it is. I present to you - Embracing The Bulldog In You: Video Version.

For a better version of this video, check out my YouTube Channel: 

Ashailyn Gleaton 

or click this link:

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Real Talk, Real Quick IV

Here's some inspiration for the rest of your day.

Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack
in the concrete

Proving nature's law is wrong it learned 2 walk
without having feet

Funny it seems, but by keeping its dreams,

it learned 2 breathe fresh air

Long live the rose that grew from concrete

when no one else even cared!

Have A Good Day :)